Owl and Hedgehog Class Blog 14.02.20

“I liked doing music, singing hey you!” Tayler

“I liked making wood cookies in the forest.” Logan

“I liked using the greater than and less than symbols in maths.” Gracie

“I’ve enjoyed practising our assembly.” Thea

“I enjoyed going on the bikes and trikes.” Jacob

“I enjoyed practising our class assembly showing the star pictures that we have made.” Freddie

“I enjoyed making a fishing rod in the forest.” Sophia

“I’ve enjoyed practising my lines for the class assembly.” Harley-Reece

“I enjoyed writing, describing a setting using adjectives and similes.” Elsa

“I enjoyed doing poetry.” Mia

“I enjoyed making a bow and arrow in the forest.” Broden

“I enjoyed doing my lines for assembly.” Freya

“I liked finding worms in the forest area.” Ellamea

“I liked writing poems.” Beau

“I enjoyed playing in the mud kitchen.” Phoebe

“I’ve been looking after people at play times.” William

“I enjoyed digging in the mud kitchen.” Thomas

“I enjoyed reading a book in the forest area.” Evie

“I enjoyed learning about poetry.” Bailey

“I enjoyed our class assembly.” Isabelle.

“I enjoyed learning about cinquain poetry” Jesse