From September, all children attending South Wootton Infant School are offered a free school meal as part of the Government’s Universal Free School Meals for Infants programme. If you receive a benefit that may give entitlement to Free School meals whatever the age of your child, the school needs to know as this generates important funding to support your child’s education.
All parents need to complete the application form for Universal Free School Meals (see Office) to confirm that they wish to take the school meal offer. We have also devised our own form for you to complete indicating on which days you child will have school dinners and any that they will bring a packed lunch. (see Office)
Packed lunches
As our school is a Healthy School, packed lunches should comply with our healthy eating policy. They should be sent in a named container (clearly labelled on the inside and outside). Sweets and fizzy drinks are not allowed.
Fruit and Vegetable Scheme
Each child has a snack at mid-morning. They can choose from milk or water, plus fresh fruit which is provided by the Government for all our children. Milk is ordered and payments made via the school office on a half termly basis.