Pupil Premium

The Government introduced the Pupil Premium in April 2011 which is meant to provide additional funding to support children from disadvantaged backgrounds.  The government provide the funding based on those children who are receiving Free School Meals.  The Pupil Premium is in addition to the main school funding.

At South Wootton Infant School, the Pupil Premium funding received is as follows:

  • Financial year 2011-2012: £10,247
  • Financial year 2012-2013: £8,916
  • Financial year 2013-14: £16,448

This funding has been used to provide a range of intervention programmes, focused individual pastoral support, access to curriculum activities eg, trips and special visitors in classes, drama and sporting activities to raise pupil’s self-esteem and attainment.

In 2013-14, we received £16,448 for Pupil Premium. We have continued to develop our intervention work to include challenge for the more able. We have also supported children and families to access the full range of visits, visitors and extra-curricular clubs.

To provide communication and language support through Talk Boost training £500 To improve communication and language skills Improved outcomes
To provide early intervention in Reception £1,305 To improve Communication and Language skills 6 out of 7 children have made accelerated progress in the speaking strand of Development Matters
To provide phonics and reading intervention in Year 1 and Year 2 £2,610 To accelerate progress in phonics and reading 82% Year 1 children met expected levels in phonics (up 11%)100% Year 2 children
To provide ELS in Year 1 £1,500 To accelerate progress of pupils falling behind in reading and writing in Year 1 Accelerated progress for 9 out of 10 children
To provide maths intervention £5,600 To accelerate progress in maths Year 2
80% children have made accelerated progress from starting points at Autumn half term

Year 1
86% children made accelerated progress from start of Spring Term based on Spring mid term assessments

End of Key Stage data(2014) shows that Pupil Premium children are achieving in line with or better than their peers.

The Pupil Premium amount allocated in the school budget for 2014-15 is £22,000. Plans are currently being made to support Pupil premium children and continue to ensure good outcomes for these children. These plans will be published in September.