Hedgehog Blog 15.11.19

“I enjoyed making Pudsey cakes today.” India

“I liked eating my Pudsey cake!” Ryan

“I enjoyed playing Pudsey games at lunchtime.” Sophia

“I enjoyed joining Joe Wicks live, doing the morning exercises.” Ellamea

“I enjoyed drawing Pudsey! I cut him out.” Broden

“I enjoyed solving the Pudsey maths problems.” Gracie

 “Earlier this week I enjoyed learning about the United Kingdom. There are 4 countries in the UK.” Matthew

“I wrote all about Remembrance day” Eleanor. 

“We made poppies.” Luella

“I enjoyed adding using a number line.” Freddie

“I enjoyed writing songs for my family during challenge time.” Braidie

“I’ve enjoyed writing a story about a fairy, hedgehog and princess during challenge time.” Evie

“I liked creating a text map for Guy Fawkes diary.” Beau

“I enjoyed writing during challenge time” Mollie

 “I enjoyed writing tricky words.” Isaac

“I enjoyed drawing a picture of a healthy meal.” Thomas