Hedgehog Blog 1.11.19

“I enjoyed learning about body parts. We drew around someone then labelled the body parts.” Ellamea

“I liked learning about body parts too. I liked the challenge where we had to put the skeleton together!” Braidie

“I enjoyed writing my poem. It was all about Autumn and our senses.” Beau

“I enjoyed writing my poem too. I liked writing it on special paper.” India

“I enjoyed learning our new sound ‘wh’ for ‘Where are you Whiffy Wilson?’” Evie

“I enjoyed making a necklace. I threaded some spiders onto a piece of string.” Isaac

“I enjoyed making a spider web. I used paper, string and glue from the art area to make it.” Broden

“I enjoyed making potions. I put frogs in it!” Freddie

“I enjoyed making things. I made a mouse with cheese and a lion with meat.” Logan

“I liked learning about the part part whole model. I liked using cubes then writing the number sentence to match it.” Gracie