We have been writing a fact file about pirates. We have used all of the information we have learned in this topic to help us do this. Last week we researched famous pirates and also completed a fact file about them.
We have written instructions to explain how to clean a pirate ship. Lola has been chosen as our Gold Learner because of her good writing.
In topic, we had to think about what we would need to survive if we were stranded or shipwrecked on a desert island. We drew our own maps with natural and man-made objects to show what would be useful. This included a forest for wood, a lake for water and fish.
During the week we have been busy completing some maths quizzes. We have all worked very hard to finish these as best we can. When we have been outside we collected natural things from the environment. We then used watercolour paints to colour mix and make the same colour as that item.
We searched for mini-beasts and treasure in the forest area too.
Today we have all dressed up as pirates and have had a maths café this afternoon.