In maths this week we practised our times tables and doing some multiplication sums. Then we used these strategies to help us work out some word problems. We also did word problems that needed to use subtraction, addition and division.
In English we wrote a story map of Mr Big, the lonely gorilla. We then changed some of the story and added our own ideas. We wrote our own story maps, and as a class have changed lots of different parts of the story to make a new story. The new story is about Zog the alien who lives in the sandy dunes of Mars. Today we have been practising writing dialogue, it is quite difficult to learn and remember which bits need to be inside the inverted commas.
For Science we have put some cress seeds in different places to see what they need to grow. We have put the seeds without light, water or soil. One was in the cupboard with soil and some have been put on the windowsill with water or with soil. We are waiting to see which grows the best.
In PE we are putting together our own routines to make a class dance.