“This week we were doing Chinese new year!” Liliana said.
“I did Chinese singing” Emilia told us.
“They use chop sticks to eat their food in China” Logan said.
“I went under the dragon” Scott told us. He did a dragon dance with his friends.
“We opened a Chinese restaurant. We had noodles, sweet and sour sauce with chicken, and some Chinese rolls” Henry said. Wes made some Chinese food for Miss Riddington to eat!
“We ate Chinese food!” Lola said. We voted for our favourite Chinese food. “Prawn crackers were the most popular in Fox Cubs” Jenson remembered. “Prawn crackers were also the Rabbit’s class favourites” Aimee-May said.
“I dressed up in Chinese celebration clothes” Chloe said.
We thought about ‘The Great Race’ Chinese new year story. “The cat fell in the water! He didn’t get to go on the Chinese calendar” Sophia reminded us.
We have had an amazing time this week and have loved joining in with the Chinese new year celebrations. I wonder what we will learn next week?!